Be moved and get inspired…

Cello Academy Zutphen

Music is a way of life

It’s a path you walk in which your curiosity deepens your skills and inspiration

Wherever you are on your journey – we would like to join you. Our teachers challenge you to develop yourself into a real performer – moved and inspired, who dares and is able to go beyond technical perfection.

During the year we offer several multi-day courses with dedicated teachers – all of them inspired and professional musicians. Become part of our small scale community that will provide you security and will challenge you at the same time.


3-days course

Monastery #3 - with Joachim Eijlander and Jeroen den Herder

The theme of this course is ‘How about memory?’ Expect an in-depth exploration of the connection between your mind and body in relation to practice. Joachim Eijlander and Jeroen den Herder will  accompany you this weekend. Hua-Hsuan Lee serves as the collaborative pianist and study coach.

Open to all students and young professionals.

19 – 21 April ’24

Friday – Sunday

€ 300,-


1-days course and presentation

Masterpiece - with Anna Nyffenegger, Paul Handschke and Jeroen den Herder

Get ready for your exam with a one-day masterclass and a concert presentation in front of a panel of experts. Anna Nyffenegger, Paul Handschke and Jeroen den Herder will accompany you. Sander Sittig and Hua-Hsuan Lee serve as collaborative pianist and study coach.

On invitation of the Cello Academy.

beginning of May ’24

No fee



Being a musician is the most beautiful combination imaginable between hands and heart. The artistically unlimited space and unity with the instrument is the source of inspiring ideas that present themselves naturally.

The path to performing art is just as much a path inwards, which needs to be practised. With this inner quest, we hope to invite the artist to express freely, and to give the self-confidence to search the way beyond words.

CelloWercken Zutphen offers in a series of Monasteries the structure in which this practice takes place. We investigate the right inner attitude towards studying. After that we can look at studying as a basis and structure for practicing freedom through cello- meditation.

Watch our story…

“The most sensitive instrument is the human soul. One must purify the soul until it begins to sound” – Arvo Pärt

We provide in an annual program

Our Monasteries will deepen your skills and inspiration
Every year we provide in a number of intensive 3-days courses (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Besides classes, each Monastery concludes an open masterclass or concert for an audience of our CelloWercken-Friends. 

Make music with dedication
During the Monasteries teachers of the Cello Academy will challenge you to develop broadly, as a cellist, as a musician and as a human being. This will turn you into a real performer, moved and inspired, who dares and is able to go beyond technical perfection.

Make your inspiration tangible
As a participant of the Cello Academy Zutphen, you will discover how to connect with your audience and how to convey the emotions of your music.

Our annual programmes are open to:

  • Conservatory cello students (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
  • Post-master’s students who want to explore their profession further
  • Professional cellists who feel the need for new challenges

Participants of the Monasteries and Retreats are of various nationalities. 

The working language is English. 


Dedicated teachers


The teachers of the Cello Academy Zutphen are all inspired musicians themselves. They are examples for their students. In word, play and performance, they live out why they do what they do. Our teachers have confidence in your development and set the bar high for you. They offer you all the security you need and many challenges to learn, experiment and perform. This is how you will discover your strength as a cellist.

Small-scale community


Our participants learn from, with and about each other in small groups.  Each Monastery includes individual lessons, private study space, rehearsals with piano, ensemble playing moments and performances. The small scale means that our teachers have all the attention for you and for everyone’s development. Together, we form a close-knit group. Because of the attention and care for each other, you will reach a higher level than on your own.

Inspiring environment


The home base of the Cello Academy is Dat Bolwerck, a medieval complex in the historic centre of Zutphen. Dat Bolwerck offers an inspiring environment, sober and free of distractions. There are rooms for individual lessons, self-study, group lessons, performances and relaxation. We will host you by families that are related to the Academy. They are used to guests of our Academy and are within walking (or cycling) distance from Dat Bolwerck.



  • Ask any questions via
  • Let us know if you are interested – you can sent your application online
  • We contact you as soon as possible – we are happy to have you on board!
  • After application we will sent you an invoice. It is possible to pay in installments.

Depending on the amount of days (see the program of your interest for details). It always includes all classes, accommodation, meals and VAT – exluding travel costs

Please contact us if the contribution makes it difficult for you to join. In some cases – depending on your situation and level – we can provide a scholarship.



If you like to register for one of the courses, please contact us